Victoria Chalkitis:Min favorit sångerska


In the front page of TILERAMA,a greek magazine.(September of 1995)

In December of 1994 Natalia Germanou wrote in magazine "TILERAMA" for Victoria's first album,which was just released...
"Don't see this beautiful little sweet and slam-bang.She will make things in modern music! Victoria Chalkiti. Her first L.P. "Erotas Ine" and such as in every love,it's difficult to resist."
Four years after this,Victoria is one of the least singers who remain in modern greek music...

Music is her biggest love,it isn't necessary to mention this...Her life is full of music.She prefers to hear songs from eighties. Well,in my opinion songs were better in that years...

(Listen to a song from a favourite group of her)

She says that she sang from the time she was born!!

When she was a little girl she stant in front of the mirror with a hair-brush in her hands and she was dreaming of becoming a singer one day...Now with a real microphoneshe gives her soul on stage.

She sings and dances showing that a singer except of a good voice needs also a good performance and stage presence.It's a fact that Victoria attended dance lessons when she was a liitle girl.She gives a real show on stage and she wins all the impressions.

In the places she works she sings pop songs.She supports a kind of music that -unfortunately- it's not so popular in Greece.

Her biggest dream is to sing in front of 100,000 people...Moreover she believes that it will be a great experience for her to play in a musical.

Let's go to her personal matters...Something which characterize Victoria is her love about animals.She says that her cat is the only who knows all her secrets...:))

In her free time she deals with cooking.Her favourite recipe is ...lentils.

Her favourite colour is blue,she loves to make trips and go holidays, and she spends her free time with good friends and of course good music!